Individuals, News, Visas
UK Spouse Visa Application: Financial Requirements and Key Steps
The topic of spouse visa financial requirements in the UK has been discussed widely over the past few months, with the Government changing the minimum threshold for the first time since the rules were introduced 12 years ago. From 11 April 2024, the minimum income threshold increased from £18,600 to £29,000. If you are looking to move to the UK and apply for a spouse visa, then there are significant financial requirements that you need to be aware of.
In this guide, we take you through the details of spouse visa financial requirements.
How do I meet the financial requirement for a UK spouse visa?
According to current spouse visa financial requirements, you’ll need to demonstrate the threshold is met through one or more sources of income and provide evidence in the specified form. Only certain types of income can be counted, and only certain combinations are allowed.
To meet UK visa financial requirements, you can use the following sources of income:
1. Salaried or non-salaried employment of the sponsor for a minimum of 12 months. Non-employment income sources, such as rental income, maintenance payments, tax-free maintenance grants, or interest from savings, dividends, shares, or other investments.
2. Cash savings held by you or your sponsor. The threshold amount is calculated through a formula. Multiple accounts are allowed, and savings from investments or sale of property can also be used.
3. Pension income held by you or your partner, for at least 28 days before you apply.
4. Self-employment income in the form of a sole trader, partnership, owning a franchise, or being a director or an employee of a limited company. Self-employment income cannot be combined with savings.
What is the evidence required for an employed sponsor?
You require three items of evidence:
• 6 or 12 months of payslips.
• 6 or 12 months of bank statements.
• A letter from your employer worded in a specific way
• What is the evidence required for savings?
• Spouse visa financial requirements state that you only require two items of evidence for savings:
• Bank statements for the six months preceding the date of application.
• Declaration from each account holder as to the source of the savings.
What evidence is required for benefits?
Certain benefits allow you to bypass the threshold of the £29,000 and instead rely on what is known as adequate maintenance and accommodation. Examples of such benefits include carers allowance, disability living allowance, and personal dependence payments.
Adequate accommodation requires you to show that you have a place you live in which will not be overcrowded by your inclusion. Adequate maintenance requires you to show that you have a disposable income above the amount that you would get if you were claiming income support as a family. This means you take you net income, deduct rent and council tax and the remaining amount should be above what you would get if you were claiming income support from the government.
To apply for a spouse visa, keep these points in mind:
• Start the process early, about 18 months before the intended application date.
• Be cautious about the format and content of the evidence submitted, following the guidelines precisely.
• Seek expert advice to review documents and keep you updated on changes in the law or procedure.